Why do my birthcharts look different on different websites?


New member
Mar 21, 2008
Hi everyone! :)I've been obsessing lately about trying to figure out myself through astrology, and I have no time to learn much about it. So I'm asking for everyones help.I looked at my natal chart through several different websites and I noticed that it looks slightly different depending on the website that I use. The lines that connect planets to each other are different.here are the links to three birth charts based on the same info:http://astro.cafeastrology.com/cgi-bin/astro/natal?member=&recalc=&name=katerina&sex=f&d1day=15&d1month=11&d1year=1984&d1hour=6&d1min=35&adjust=-2&citylist=Korosten%2C+Ukraine&lang=enhttp://astro-software.com/cgi-bin/astro/page02?name=Kat&firstname=&birthplace=Korosten&lang=en&sex=f&dformat=1&date=15/11/1984&time=6:35&country=380&state=0&adjust=-2.00&long=-28.36&lat=50.54http://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?rs=3&btyp=w2gw&cid=aylfileV0RAVt-u1206301507&nhor=7&go.x=25&go.y=2&go=GoWhich one is more reliable?Though I have very hard time understanding astro.com since it doesn't explain the birth chart like the other websites, i see some differences in those other two.For example cafeastrology says: Fortunein Aries, and South node in Aries. astro-software: Fortune in Aquarius, South node in Scorpio. Are those changes significant?is there anyone of those more reliable then others?
Mainly, there are two ways of figuring this stuff out. The traditional way & the new way. I'm no expert, but in my opinion the traditional way isn't up to date. You know what leap year is, right? Well, the whole Zodiac is shifting. I don't think the traditional way has accounted for that shifting. You get different information because the calculations are different, depending on many factors.
I never trust those links as well as its descriptions. All the links that I've tried seem to give false readings.I rely more on the Major sign. The Sun Sign.
Astro.com is the better site, trust me. Since you are starting out, it may be better to use Koch rather than Placidus. Astro uses placidus; more accurate but sometimes confusing. Still though it is more reliable. It will not always give an accurate display of the aspects but the "chart" is 100%.Hope this helps!
I strongly believe that it has something to do with the software used to calculate the charts.