Why do Muslims strap bombs to their kids and have them blow themselves up...


Jun 2, 2008
...in a marketplace? I'm just wondering. That doesn't seem right to me. And it certainly doesn't make Islam look much like a religion of peace, does it?
Maybe I should have included fathers who commit "honor" killings of their own wives and daughters.
I'm not simply "judging" the Muslims who actually do this...i'm also including the MILLIONS of Muslims who CHEER such actions every time they take place. And you KNOW who you are.
On 9/11/01, I saw world wide CELEBRATIONS among Muslims. Millions upon millions of them.
danish - where are the Methodist or Lutheran suicide bombers? There aren't any. ONLY Muslims do this.
btw folks, I'm NOT generalizing... when did I ever say that ALL Muslims do this? If you say that NO Muslims do this, then YOU'RE generalizing.
Oh, let's see, what else...oh yeah! Saddam Hussein was paying $25,000 to the families of homicide bombers as a reward for taking out as many Jews and Christians as possible. Twenty Five Thousand dollars as a reward for suicide bombing!
Robert - Millions of Christians all over the world did NOT celebrate the murder of Dr. Tiller the baby killer... unlike Muslims, who cheered by the MILLIONS on 9/11.
All religions have extremists and zealots. As a Christian you should know people have used Jesus's name to commit genocide. Does this represent your values? no it represents a few corrupt people.

Blaise Pascal said it best "Men never do evil so cheerfully and so completely as when they do so from religious conviction."
Here is the answer from an article I re-read today:

"The woman who killed herself and her daughter in the food line up did not do so for religious reasons. Women terrorists are very different from male suicide bombers. You can watch this video:
(Clicking on ‘Quick Time’ worked for me).

I’ll try to explain the theory. In certain impoverished regions of the world, women are possessions. This woman may have been forced to marry at a very young age. She may have been raped and beaten by her husband. If, however, she was raped by someone other than her husband, she might have been told that she was to be stoned for the crime of being raped. She could have been told that her other children (boys, perhaps) would be well cared for if she carried out this terrorist act. She may also have been a victim of female genital mutilation and saw no quality of life awaiting her daughter. It was not her religion that caused her to do this awful thing, it was a complete lack of any other choice."
So you're judging millions of Muslims by the actions of a small group of violent brainwashed, crazy extremists Muslims, who most Muslims strongly disagree with?
I can assure you my parents never strapped anything onto me and sent me into the mall to blow it up...

My mother did however dress me up in hedious dresses and bows...

Gee that's an awfully wide brush you're painting with.

Translation for the oblivious: You're generalizing. Most Muslims don't participate in or support suicide bombings, regardless of who's being used.

Stop talking out of your a*s and use your head for once.
Gee that's an awfully wide brush you're painting with.

Translation for the oblivious: You're generalizing. Most Muslims don't participate in or support suicide bombings, regardless of who's being used.

Stop talking out of your a*s and use your head for once.
Why do christians oppose gay marriage so much. That doesn't seem right to me. And it certainly doesn't make christianity look much like a religion of love, does it?
Where did you get that information? Oh, the media. Listen, only crazy people do these things. When you see a Christian doing this, everyone completely ignores this but when you see a muslim doing something, you get all rattled up. I would never strap a bomb on my child. Give me the sources on where you got this information unless it's just a rumor or in a movie.
The Saint Bartholemew`s Day Massacre, about 15,000 killed by Christian mobs
Sons of Freedom, arsonists.
The National Liberation Front of Tripura, forcible conversions to Christianity.
The Nagaland Rebels about 30,000 killed by Christian terrorists.
I.R.A. and all the other Irish Christian terror organisations that have been responsible for so many deaths in the UK.
The Iron Guard and The Lancieri Christian terrorist attacks on politicians and involvement in the Holocaust.
Russian National Unity, Christian terror, murders and a bomb attack against a US Embassy.
The Lord`s Resistance Army, massacres, rapes, torture and slavery.
K.K.K. murders, rapes, lynchings.
Army of God, attacks against doctors.
Christian Identity, The Lambs of Christ, Concerned Christians, Christian Patriots ... shall I continue ?
All are internationally acknowledged Christian Terror Organisations, so your question is one of Pot calling Kettle I believe.
So "every" Muslim straps bombs to all their kids? If that were true then there wouldn't be any Muslim children running around.

Should I then lump all Christians in with the likes of Fred Phelps and Jim Jones? Why do Christians picket soldiers funerals and make their kids drink poisened Kool-Aid? That certainly doesn't make Christianity look much like a religion of peace, does it?
That's not a muslim you're talking about. No muslim would do something like that.
Maybe someone that mixes in muslim circles, or is an ex muslim.
Why do christian people fly plains in theyr own building and sacrifice their own people to just have a stupid war with Muslim people?