why do i laugh at everything?

thats your sense of humor,
stupid random stuff . . . i laugh at exactly that too
and people are always like 'wtf . . .?'
Omg i do the same thing!!!!
I'd laugh at something and everyone looks at me like "how is that funny" i even heard that before lol.
don't worry there's nothing wrong with it, I do the exact thing myself. some people don't like it, but hey one of my closest friends suffers with depression, I just count myself lucky that im always laughing instead of always crying :)
naa dont worry about it
me and my friend get in so much trouble
we laugh at everything
we laughed at my teacher just because she turned her head when she said 'visitors'
yeah we always find weird stuff funny
dont worry bout it when we talk on msn we start laughing at the computer screen and our families are like wth?
i even laugh when i listen to music lyrics haha
man im so crazy 8)