Why do I get a buzzing noise out of my headphones when I connect my external


Jun 2, 2008
hard drive? Whenever I connect my external hard drive (Seagate 1TB GO Portable external hard drive, about 2 weeks old) to my laptop (Toshiba NB305, about 6 months old) I get this buzzing noise that plays every second and this high pitch noise that sounds like the hard drive spinning and being read from coming out of my headphones. The noise stops when the hard drive goes to sleep and starts again when I read from it. The noise also stop when I play music or a film (or maybe its to low to hear) but its always their if their is nothing playing, even it the computer is on mute. The Toshiba laptops internal speakers doesn't make this noise, and neither does my dell desktop or Sony vaio laptop. It only happens with my headphones and my Toshiba. I have used a range of headphones and it sill makes that noise. I have the latest BIOS and drivers installed. I would be grateful if someone can help my with this irritating noise. Or maybe one of the product need returning but I would keep that option to last. Thanks.

Link for external hard drive