why do i find liitie daisy so funny ramadan?


New member
Oct 3, 2010
the way she says what itself looks funny...she says wot? looooooooooool
and her avi makes her look more funnier loooooooool
see this answer hahaha the most ignorant sweety looooooooool
aww that Q got deleted anyways lol
all she answered was "wot?" loool

she is really very funny hahahah!
i added u come on mesenger
I find her sadly uneducated about her religion, but inchaalah Allah will gudie her, and she will learn more, because when she answers she tends to sound quite ignorant about Islam. She says things that are false.

@Little Daisy - you try to give great advice, I understand that, but unfortunately very few of your answers are backed up by hadiths, and they are often based no your own opinion, which is your own interpretation and often not in keeping with what Allah has decreed.
omg lol stop it u r making me be shy:))
i find u funny too

add me on messenger and we can be friends :))

edit- stiggy wot r u talking about:/ i always give great advice to sisters and i noew a lot about Islam thank u :))