Why do hair stylists think they should have a relationship with you?


Jun 8, 2008
My hair stylist always tries to talk to me and I just don't say anything, because we're not friends. They always tell me to major in cosmetics and become a hair stylist, and I already have a high school major. I don't want to be friends with any of them. I babysit for one of them, so I understand when she talks to me, because I watch her kids. But hair stylists or barbers in general think that you should just talk to them about your personal life. Nail people don't do that. They just tell you how bad your nails are. So why hair stylists?
Because they want to interact with you like a normal, friendly human, not be treated like hair slaves who only speak when spoken to. A lot of people find it awkward when hairstylists stand there wordlessly and appreciate it when they strike up a conversation. It's called customer service. Don't flatter yourself; they're not trying to be your *~*~bestest gurlfriend~*~* so you can have slumber parties and braid each other's hair. They're just being nice. I always strike up conversations with my manicurist and ask them about themselves; they instantly brighten up, because, for once, someone isn't treating them like an actual human being. You should try it sometime.
That really annoys me, I hate going to the barbers because they always insist on having inane boring conversations. You are trapped in the chair so they have a captive audience for their drivel.

Sometimes I just pretend not to speak English well so that I can just sit in peace and have my hair cut.