Why do gyms and sport centres have so many vending machines selling crap?


May 28, 2008
Everytime I walk into a gym there's always atleast 5 vending machines selling sweets, chocolate bars, crisps and fizzy pop. If you have just gone for a workout to loose some weight or build muscle, why would you want to purchase something that is extremley high in calories and low in protein as well as other useful nutrient. I really doesn't make sense.
Ok I can undertsand private gyms having them but public sport centres and gyms which are owned by the council/government shoudn't be selling that stuff in my oppinion if they really want people to lose weight. This countries crazy!
Surely it's for people who are watching or going with someone who has gone to work out? Or some kids have swimming lessons and the parents have to watch, so they thought they'd try and make some money out of it?