Why Do Girls Go For The Large Thug Guys Over The Smart Ones?


New member
Feb 28, 2009
i am about one year ahead of my normal year level in a 'smart' class (i look almost exactly like my avatar except he has a wider face) and girls when we first start talking flirt with me nd we have a good time until i say i am in the smart class then they loose interest in me. WOMEN, GIRLS, PLEASE TELL ME WHY YOU ALWAYS GO FOR THE GUYS THAT ARE SLOW AND TANKED UP BUT THUGISH AND ARE ALWAYS PICKING FIGHTS.
why do girls go for thugs over me? I don’t regard myself smarter then everyone else or walk around like im better then everyone else. things about me:
i have longish blonde hair and blue eyes, i play bass guitar, like to ride my mongoose bike around, i like jokes and to have fun and all my friends that are girls tell me they like me as a friend because i am not a male pig that looks at their boobs and is addicted to sex. i am one year ahead in school in english maths and science and no one ever thinks a am smart because of my looks, one of my nick names is pretty boy. i have done karate for 8 years and have a 3rd dan black belt and play under 17's mens softball and baseball ocasionally.
why do girls go for the thugs over me? please HELP!