why do fat people complain that they are fat?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
im just wondering why they complain when it is a lifestyle choice, they choose to eat large amounts of bacon. Therefore it is their fault.
Are you a nutritionist by any chance? Your knowledge of fatty foods is astonishing!
Some people are naturally fat though so sometimes its not their fault. And sometimes they cant help how much they eat.


gut flora obesity

toxins obesity

pathogens obesity

fungues obesity

virus obesity

You have much to learn.
The ones I have heard complain usually say they have a "bad metabolism" or "thyroid problems".
Give me a break. Thyroid problems are solvable with meds and no ones metabolism is so non-existent to allow you to weigh 400 pounds!
The real problem with the two people I heard this from was that they just couldn't stop stuffing their mouth full of food. Pretty simple.
EDIT....Alex......"naturally fat" and "can't help how much they eat"? Give me a break.
wow what a jack***....probably for the same reason that some skinny people complain about being skinny...not all people are overweight due to lifestyle choices it can be heredity!
because they like to play the victim in most cases it is self inflicted through bad diet and lazyness how many time have you seen a fat person stuffing there face with chips or a kebab or a cream cake and then complain that its not there fault there fat. this is not the case in all fat people but most and how many people are always trying the latest wonder diet? when all it really takes is a bit of commonsense and a little bit more willpower
they complain they are fat because they are unable to loss or just don't fell like getting of the sofa. they want everything to be simple and they like the attention