Why do doctors hate healthy people and nutrition?


New member
Jul 3, 2010
I know that this may be met with some conservatory but I have been doing some research on alternative medicine and the disparities between healthcare and race and it has brought me to the conclusion that doctors hate nutrition. You can tell by the fact that they never tell people that diet and exercise is the way to go if you want to prevent cancer and disease. They dont tell you that because they make their income by people getting sick and visiting them and charging expensive fees for it. Thats why I encourage people to take charge of your own health and not go to the doctor because the things they prescribe and do have long term side effects and can cause death esp to the poor and minorities.

So why do doctors hate health and nutrition? I personally think its better esp for those who find a doctor intimating and cant afford it.
Because healthy people don't need doctors all the time, and they don't make any money off of them. They don't get any kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, because these people are using health food and nutritional supplements to treat their illnesses instead of expensive drugs.

White people get taken in by doctors, too, especially old people who still trust the medical establishment.
Because healthy people don't need doctors all the time, and they don't make any money off of them. They don't get any kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, because these people are using health food and nutritional supplements to treat their illnesses instead of expensive drugs.

White people get taken in by doctors, too, especially old people who still trust the medical establishment.
Generally speaking, doctors don't hate healthy people and nutrition.

People should use diet and exercise to be as healthy as they can be.
Good doctors do recommend nutritious diet and exercise.

Health and nutrition isn't going to stop people from ever again develop a disease/cancer or contract an infection. Healthy and nutritionally sound people still break bones and need surgery or some type of doctor intervention at some point.

In fact, it seems to me, that medicine is the only profession that does it's best to make itself obsolete.
I have literally never had a doctor that DIDN'T inform me of the benefits of healthy nutrition. My family doctor wouldn't get his paycheck from my cancer, a specialist would. I'm not sure what someones socioeconomic status has to do with the way their prescriptions effect them either. Although I am white, I have had doctors ask me before prescribing me certain medications if I have any other ethnicities in my background as some races do have a higher prevalence of certain side effects, but it is not accurate to say "Oh, he is Native American, so therefore he will react "this way" to this medication" and so on. There are many illnesses which will only worsen without seeing the doctor, so your advice to not go to the doctor will hopefully fall on deaf ears. Those who DON'T go to the doctor are those who are getting the rest of us sick by spreading their diseases! Clearly you should continue your research and check the credibility of your sources.