Why do descendants of slaves continue to practice the religion that was


New member
Jun 14, 2008
forced on them? Don't they associate the religion with the slavery? Do they think god sent their old masters to enslave them, just to switch their religion?

It was suggested in one of my classes. I'm not making this up.
Joe C: Their ancestors had their own religion before it was forcefully changed -before they were taken into slavery.
Apparently many of the slaves were told that god sent their masters in search of slaves, so that they could change their faith. Basicly that their enslavement was gods will, and that it would be horribly wrong for any of them to oppose that judgement. So I'm wondering, after all of that, why do those who know that their ancestors were slaves, who were abused in the name of god, still practise that faith?
Is that not akin to condoning their own enslavement? Or rather their ancestors enslavement?
...You do realise that not all slaves were black, right? And not all slave owners were christian. Slavery happened more than once, and all over the world. Even some slaves had slaves... like those myans one of you mentioned. And did everyone forget about the roman empire?