Why do Democrats complain about loopholes for the rich but embrace hollywood


Apr 6, 2008
liberals? I see this often on here. Some say, "Well hollywood votes for Democrats and they don't complain about paying taxes."

Do those of you who think this way understand that these people ARE businesses? They are able to write off their entire lifestyle...... cloths, hairstylists, makeup artists, travel, security, fancy hotels, agents....even the food they eat at expensive restaurants. All of these are considered businesses expenses. The amounts they are able to write off are based on what they earn.....the more they make, the more they can write off. Of course they can even write off charitable contributions.

So why are none of you complaining about them when they make and write off as much as big CEO's?
Did I defend CEO's?
Didn't Warrent Buffet say his secretary pays a higher percentage in taxes than he does?

Yes, they do get to write off their "lifestyle" as a business expense. The ARE a business.
They do not get to write off their entire 'lifestyle'. That's silly. What about Bill Gates? What about Soros? What about Buffett? All very wealthy and all for the tax increase. Your claims about writes offs are wrong. You are looking for justification that suits your world view and you just cannot comprehend that wealthy people would be okay paying more taxes. Guess what? Many are okay with it - and really...the tax code will pretty much look like it did under Reagan...the right's hero.
I didn't realize Hollywood liberals were now required to release their tax returns. Cool. Where is this website? I'm curious about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. I want to know who gets to claim all of those kids.

Most of the things these stars get on set are provided by the production companies. The production companies use these as business expenses, not the stars. Granted, I don't do taxes any more, but at one time you could only write off 50% of your meals and entertainment.

And BTW, anyone can write of charitable contributions if you itemize, it's not just for those Hollywood stars.