Why Do Born-Again Christian's Feel The Need To Overdo Religion? ?


New member
Aug 25, 2008
Now I'm not Religious at all. I was raised Christian, but as I got older I noticed that the world was being explained through Science and that Religion had this "Can't Explain Anything, So Just Ignore The Bible's Flaws" way of describing the world. I understand it's appeal though. Everyone on some level is afraid of the Unknown that follows death. No one truly knows what happens next; it is all just Man-Made Myths and Theories. But the idea of Religion gives some people hope. Even though I see the flaws in it, I know people that have lived their lives in a very understanding and helpful way by using Religion. They just don't take every word of the Bible as a fact. But Born-Again's are often times very different. They ended up facing a problem they weren't personally strong enough to beat, so they used the idea of Religion to get back on course. But instead of just using their faith as their own saving grace; they feel the need to overdo it and force their beliefs on everyone else. But why is that? Why can some Christian's that have been Christian's since they were children; use the Bible's teachings as just a rough guide to life, but Born-Again's go completely ignorant with it? The biggest examples of this have always been Celebrities. They turn to the Drugs & Alcohol lifestyle; find Religion; then go completely crazy over it! Stephen Baldwin is a Born-Again and he become insane with this idea. He drives around in a truck called the "The Lord's Lounge". His views changed to reflect the (Stereotypical) fanatical views of being against Gay marriage, Abortion, Stem-Cell research, ect. In his interviews, every fifth word out of his mouth is "God" or "Jesus". Mel Gibson built his own personal church and also follows the same Stereotypical fanatical views. They are both part of a long line of Celebrities and average people that found Religion and instead of becoming better persons; they just become ignorant.

I'm not bashing Christianity; I just don't understand why Born-Again's go crazy with religion and overdo it. Why does the moment someone become a Born-Again, do their own thoughts go away and they just become this Stereotypical person of faith? Religion can be very useful and helpful, but not when it's fanatical. I know not all Born-Again's are like this. I am just asking about those who become Born-Again's and then pester the rest of us with their new-found faith? I can't remember a time when I was basically hunted down by a person of faith, constantly nagging me to become a Christian. It has pretty much always been Born-Again's that just can't seem to let me live my life faithless. What's good for one person; doesn't mean it is good for everyone else. Some people like the easy answers to life, while others like myself see a different way of life playing itself out.

((And PLEASE no Bible quotes. I'm so tired of people quoting the Bible to explain anything and everything on Yahoo Answers. You have your own mind; so that is what I want to learn from. I truly want to understand why this. And it would be nice to have at least 1 question related to a topic like faith remain up on this site. So there is no need in reporting questions "You" Personally don't like; that don't break any rules. Let's all try to be adults here. We all shouldn't have to walk on egg-shells, because some people can't handle Rational Conversations.))