WHY!? do atheists come to r&s & then complain that they are being confronted?

No, my presence here is about making sure that so many myths about atheists dont' go uncontradicted. After all a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. You appear to think that atheists are looking to be converted but are saying no to offers of how to convert. This is not the case.
It happens in real life too. Aren't you aware there's a world out there as well? Unfortunately proselytizers exist there as well.
They're not being confronted?

Then who are all those "Atheists:..." questions intended for?
i dont complain, that im aware of
i ask and answer qs, like eveyrone else

im also not aware i say "no" to everything "offered"

why am i here, cos yahoo made the site public, so everyone can be here, so they are

woudlnt also your presense make you agnostic then?
no, course not, your just here to talk and learn, same as we all are, that doesnt make you not who you are, just also open minded as well
Usually what we complain about is having the standards of a religion we don't follow forced on us in real life. This is a better place to complain about it than the cooking section, don't you agree? If we have something to say to the religious, isn't a religion forum the best place for it?

I'm not searching for answers, I'm giving them. I spent years studying religion before arriving at atheism and I've realized that I know way more about the topic than the average teenage fundie who posts here.
I am an agnostic atheist yes. And I'm here to answer the occasional thought provoking question thats presented. Other then that, if I'm here and a question is directed towards me I will answer it if not but out of boredom.
I'm an atheist a very strong one with no complaints whatsoever. I am in here for the same reason religious fanatics come knocking on my door Saturdays and Sundays to save my soul. I am here to take your soul with me into the wonderful world of scientific facts and technologies yes no more mythology and overblown fish stories. In my world you can have premarital sex without guilt if your neighbor gives you a hard time you'll be able to flip him off with your middle finger and be proud that you done so. Come with me and feel the freedom.
I would like to free people from their cage of religion with boundaries.
Not true. In real life, I have Christians, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, etc, knocking at my door most weeks. I went to gay pride last year and I had a Christian shouting abuse in my face. So don't tell me I'm not being confronted. I'm merely answering questions.
Funny, it seems to me the actual hate and threats of violence always seem to come from christians
The only ones complaining here are YOU!!!
Atheist say NO to everything offered? Do you have any idea of what you are talking about?
It's like saying, God lives on Earth and communicates with people.
Think before you ask.