Why did stopping Gay Marriage in California become a Mormon holy crusade?

Apr 5, 2008
I caught a piece of an interview with a gay director this morning. (I am not gay myself, but have always felt like native Americans as a people and gays as individuals get trod on most.) He was raised mormon and raised and answered one of the more interesting question not asked about this situation.

The mormon population in california is tiny. The church raised apparently half of the money in opposition to gay marriage in California. Why?

His thought was that Mormons did it to gain more acceptance into the wider devout American Christian society. He says that it has always bothered the mormons that they are not looked at as Christians. A part of that comes out of their past history with polygamy. He says that their desire to be a loud voice in "protecting marriage" comes from a real desire to recast themselves in the eyes of wider Devout American Christiandom...

I was absolutely floored by this, but if you look at all of the information, this take makes the most sense. It is so bizarre. It is like yelling, "Look, we are Christian fundamentalists too! See how we discrimate against the rights of others in following the superior morality of our beliefs!?"

I don't blame the mormons who have expressed outrage towards their church if this is in fact the jist of it. That is just pathetic.

Does anyone have a better answer as to why ---- with all the other churches involved --- Mormons raised over half of the money in support of California's Amendment?
the past 8 years, GOP NEO CONS had too much fun calling people who did not agree with them, traitors, unpatriotic, anti American, and terrorist.

They are having too much fun be bigots, and forcing their religious beliefs onto everybody, taking away others' freedom of choices.

Now, they worry they may loss their power to make others suffer!!
Oh my God, Gay people are still people too!! Really, they can't help being that way so just leave them alone! They don't bother you, why should you bother them?
Anything that increases the total amount of suffering in the world is good in the eyes of the LDS church.