Why can't people escape while they're being strangled? And why didn't this poor...


May 13, 2008
...kid fight back :(? once I heard this story I think it was either in school or on the news, I'm not quite sure. Anyway, there was this guy who was considered a ''jock'' in highschool. Anyway this 'jock' kept picking on this nerd. Anyway one day, the nerd got fed up so, while the jock dude was in the bathroom the nerd had strangled him to death. Why couldn't the bigger dude fought him off? why couldnt he of just beat the bastard up? I mean surely if he had his hands on his neck the other guy would've fought it and struggled, right?? did he just give up fighting? why couldn't he of screamed for help? do you feel sorry for the jock dude? I don't think he deserved to die in such a brutal way. I know it sounds like a silly story but it really saddened me.