Why cant me and my boyfriend PDA?


Jun 1, 2008
I'm a sophomore in high school he s junior. I'm gay he is bi. We didn't start out normally we dated secretly for two weeks because we had to hide it from my best friend who also like him at the time but is now over it. It was a huge drama tears were shed but its all in the past now. she still doesn't now we went behind her back. Anyways we have no trouble being affectionate in private at all and he calls me babe in public and we hold hands but that's it. Like its gotten pretty intense in private. But we can't even kiss in public why go that far we Have trouble having a conversation with him in public when we are alone there's no problem its just in public. Before we started dating he was only out to a few ppl but k ow we walk to class holding hands, so yeah the secret is out. Its not all him though its me too how can I make it more comfortable for us o be affectionate in public? Please help I don't want this to be the end of us :(
Some people are just not into that in public at all. The fact that he holds hands with you in public shows he is not trying to hide the relationship. Maybe he is just really uncomfortable with PDA. Communicate with each other, and don't let not being overly-affectionate in public become such a big issue in your relationship.