Why can't Christians understand that they are Brainwashed into believing in...


New member
Sep 22, 2010
...God and the Bible? Anyone with sense that was never taught the bible and brainwashed would look at it for what it is, an ancient book of myth and fables with a bit of history. This ancient book has been around for hundreds of years, often belief in it being forced on non believers through torture and murder. There is absolutely no logic in believing in the Bible, Christians have managed to shut off the flow of logic in their brains when it comes to religion.

Religion is a belief, it isn't a fact. The parts responsible for religious belief or feelings in the brain do not activate the logic centers of the brain. It's like a child that is told it is worthless throughout childhood, that child will believe that as an adult and have low self esteem unless they are de-brainwashed to think otherwise.

Why don't Christians realize that their beliefs are based on indoctrination not fact, truth, or reason? Do they even understand what beliefs are and the difference between beliefs and truths?
