Why can I never pay full attention in school, and have difficulty finishing tasks?


May 14, 2008
Hey everyone,
I am a junior in high school, and of course being a teenager makes things difficult. However, for a while now I have been finding that I have immense difficulty paying attention in school and finishing tasks, now more than ever. No, it's not "senioritis". I understand that everyone experiences a degree of this, but in my case it is getting worse. For example, I can *never* get one task done at a time. This is always the case with homework and chores. When I find something boring/uninteresting, I can't finish it so I leave to go something that I enjoy doing. That's why I always have tons of things going on at once. Secondly, in school I have such a hard time focusing in class. I'm almost always daydreaming about what I wish I could be doing, because I'm bored etc etc. I'm usually fidgeting, either shaking my leg/playing with an eraser/pencil etc. Often times I am very tired even with a good amount of sleep. This worries me because I often get so bored so easily that I have a hard time paying attention to details and thinking critically, so I give up. Thus I have difficulty taking tests and I become distracted within just a few minutes in. With the SAT's coming up and other tests, what should I do to remedy this problem? I really wish I could pay more attention and complete tasks like other students.