Why can’t we discuss Israeli wrong doings including segregation, racism,...


New member
Mar 1, 2010
...apartheid, … without being belted by? Why can’t we discuss Israeli wrong doings including segregation, racism, apartheid, … without being belted by the mighty Yahoo Q and A?

Remember, “This is just one more example of Israeli apartheid or not?” was removed from Yahoo Q and A resulting in loss of points!

110,000 rally against High Court
Haredim gather in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak for 'mother of all protests' against decision to jail Ashkenazi parents who refused to send their daughters to school with Sephardic students. Children hold signs reading, 'High Court fascist'
Yoav Zitun • Ynet
Source: http://failedmessiah.typepad.com/failed_messiahcom/2010/06/100000-haredim-protest-against-supreme-court-and-government-567.html

Imagine if these were two different strains of the same Muslim sect, people would be wailing that Islam and Muslims are racists. As of now I haven’t heard anyone say Judaism or Jews are racists. You can also bet that if these protesters against integration were Muslims, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller would be having a field day.

Source: http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/06/orthodox-jews-rally-for-segregation-what-if-they-were-muslim/
Haartez Israel's oldest newspaper, 2007

- 74% of Jewish youths call Arabs 'unclean.'

- 55% percent support the idea of state should encouraged Arab emigration from Israel

- 78% percent oppose the inclusion of Arab political parties

Now didn't another group of people once think like these Israeli youths?

"When Hitler came to power in 1933, he immediately put into effect plans to erase German citizenship from all those who were not of the Aryan race. He began with segregations and the curtailment of Civil Rights, but before the war began, Jews had lost their citizenship, right to civil trials and other litigation and were deemed 'guests' in their own country. At first, then the first division was between citizen and non-citizen, allowing deportation orders and complete depersonalization and control over the 'non-citizens', the Jews."
honestly i really dont see too many folks standing up for israel; everyone knows that the u.s. has a pro-israel agenda, and israel has a pro-israel agenda, repercussions be damned
No one, whether terran or otherwise should be exempt from being held accountable. The way Israel is treated "above" the rest of the nations is gross misconduct.
Ahh, here's another Muslim with a not-so-subtle rebuke for the enemy Jew. Judaism and Islam will always be at loggerheads, the former because they're pissed at the shameless plagiarization by Muslims of their holy book and traditions; and the latter because they can't stand knowing that the Jews are right about the blatant rip-off perpetrated by their absurd "last prophet."