Why are we shadowed by so much evil when we are ruled by a loving being?


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I bet alot of people have asked these types of questions before...and i have looked at some responses but not yet have i found a very convincing argument.
Most people ask..why are we soo imperfect when god is soo perfect?
My question does kind of implement that too..but mainly focuses on what the reason is behind a being that is said to love us more then anything to let us go through poverty, malnutrition, bullying, massacres, rape, wars, deaths, earth quakes, cyclones..etc.
People have answered that it is to see whether your faith in God remains at these times of hardship..but seriously..I don't think even my parents or my friends would make me go through all of that just to test my faith in them or to test whether i'm loyal to them.
Lots of GOOD people seem to have endured many hardships such as death of loved ones or fatal injuries, cancer, etc. without any particular warning or reason -when they deserve much better..even the majority of humanity wouldn't punish people with things like that if they'd had such powers...sure, they'd be those select few who wouldn't care less and inflict pain on others, but in minority..
They say those who do not sin will be rewarded on judgement day, to forever live with God in his Kingdom where everyone is happy.
If that was possible why could it just not be now? On Earth? if it possible elsewhere...why not make EARTH his kingdom?
After all he loves us right? Wouldn't he want to welcome us into his home then?
If you lied to your mum or dad about some minor thing..they'd forgive you in no time..but lies are considered as sin...and if you sin you go to hell right?
Well it seems like my parents are more compassionate than God.
I also have an additional note...
If God has the power to do anything then why not just make the world a happier and more joyful place where everyone is at peace? Remove all the bad in the world?Creating humans as non-sinners?
Sure yeh i've heard people say..cause then people would loose their freedom of choice and it'd get boring cause everyone would be the same
but like..if we're all happy how can it boring?
and it WOULD be a freedom of choice because if god had initially created us like that we would already have the ideas and motives of good and it would be our choice?
it's like if salt was called gold, and gold, salt from the beginning you'd find it really weird if some went around calling salt gold, cause you already have that word labelled on that item.
Like i said before..if there is not any sin in the Kingdom of Heaven then why not just hav a non-sinning world also?
Satan would have never even been born if the emotions and thoughts of greed and selfishness were not never created or existed.
If these bad emotions and ideas were never CREATED in the first place we would have no evil...and like i said before if God can really do anything..then wouldn't that be easy for him?
Just like objects, emotions have been created by something right?
like before man was introduced with fire..it was completely oblivious of it, it never existed as a part of man's life, like this example if those emotions never existed in the first place we would've not even known of sin.

I don't mean to offend anyone...just my thoughts and opinions