Why are there so many Atheist in religion and spirituality?? on here....?


New member
Oct 1, 2010
Nothing against them, I am agnostic BTW but when ever I look at a question in religion and spirituality and folklore. An Atheist always answers it and constantly try to put the question down... and dont' comment on my grammar ya its bad I don't mean for it to be good its answers.com I don't want to constantly check my grammar and waste my time!!!
If you don't consider putting some effort into asking your question to be worth your time, why would you expect me to consider it worth my time to answer it?
They obviously still have an interest in the subject. If you look at answers some of them know more about religions than the followers of that religion. There have been many times when the answer from an atheist has far more information that can be used and many of them give it in an unbiased manner and just note the source as Atheist.
Where else are we to go? We would go back under our bridge, but there's too much water under it now.
It's fun to hang out in here. I have a genuine interest in theology and more specifically, egoistemology. When people say weird stuff that neither jives with the actual bible, one of our first sources of knowledge and understanding that is based on authority, or with reality or logic, it is often interesting to do the work and find the correct answers. I honestly think most Christians are simply too lazy to do the work. They do not search for the facts prior to posting. I enjoy doing the search, finding the facts, and learning something new. I do not accept informatin on authority. Not even atheist information. I am Agnostic, like you; however I am also anti-theist. (I will tell you that your god does not exist and that I do not believe in your version of God.) Belief is not in my vocabulary. It is a totally unnecessary word. You know or you do not know. If you do not know, you find out. You may hope for something to be true but to 'believe' it to be true is ignorance when there is no evidence.

So why hang out here? It is one of the more interesting rooms at times.
Why not? We just want to debate it!
It's not like a Democrat can't debate with a Republican because they don't share common views.
In fact, there's no debate at all without opposing views.

Your grammar is fine.
"Checking your own grammar" is not a waste of time. You will never gain in knowledge if you do not endeavor to improve your own.

Have a good one! ;p
Liberal/Spiritual Atheist
Actually, I was wondering why there were Christians here when there's a separate section for Mythology
i can't speak for everyone but i normally only answer questions like "Darwin was mad at god?" or Hitler was and atheist?" or "prof for creationism" OR "something from nothing?" and on occasion i answer "why are there so many atheists in religion and spirituality?"