Why are the only people that argue the plight of rich people mostly not-rich GOP


May 16, 2008
supporters and politicians? Why do GOP supporters and Fox News act as though rich people lack the capacity t speak for themselves?

The rich people that have spoke out asked for their taxes to INCREASE.
It's weird, isn't it? You have Mitch McConnell - who represents Kentucky, one of the poorest states in the nation - breaking his back to defend the rich, while Chuck Schumer - who represents New York, financial epicenter of the world - standing up for the middle and working classes.

It's a remarkable sign of just how successful the GOP has been, since Reagan, in convincing many average folks that abortion, gay people, and "communists like Obama" are a bigger threat to them than these amoral multinational corporations.
Why are most of the people who support equal rights for black people not black? Would any minority group have rights if the majority lacked capacity for empathy? People have the ability to empathize with others. Would I want half the money I earned stolen from my children when I die? No! Would I want half of my hard earned money taken from my check? No! And most of all, do I think success should be punished? No!

I might like to be rich some day. If I were to achieve that goal, I'd be slapped down. I think all people should be treated equally under the law. Rich, poor, black, white, male, female. Justice is supposed to be blind. Saying what do you care about them? They're only 3% of the population. Let us rob them and you can have some of the loot. I'm sure many Germans were given the same argument about the Jews. Why should you care? You're not a Jew. They have so much wealth. We'll just take it to solve our financial troubles. It happened. Are you really so selfish that you would abuse the minority to fuel your envy.

Any rich person who feels that the government should have more of their money is free to write them a check. Any rich person who is calling for higher taxes, is looking to profit from the confiscation of other people's money. If they were sincere, they would have already given their wealth to the treasury.
You said "People", we are all part of it, when a poor gets rich he changes sides, but still remands as part of the people. Which means that poor or rich we leave everything the day that we die.

The advantage of being poor is that he has to go does not regret having to leave, while the rich enters in dispair... he she wants to live forever, lol.
I support exorbitant tax cuts to the super wealthy because they can spend my money better than I can!

As a hard-core lower middle class red neck Republican I worship the super rich because they are simply worth more than I am. The idol rich are not only worth more in terms of their exorbitant inheritance or super large alimony checks, they are actually all around more worthy people in every way so they deserve preferential treatment by the government and the courts. That is because huge amounts of inherited money made the super wealthy inherently better human beings than you or I.

And realize that the rich kids are smarter, better looking and more moral and ethical than your kids too. Yes!, Rich people's children are superior in every possible way to your children. Because they are so much richer than your children, they deserve bigger tax breaks and lenient treatment for questionable practices.

The super rich are now America's royalty. We loyal Fox watchers and far right-wing ultra-conservatives know this and accordingly worship at the feet of the Massively greedy, and ultra-wealthy Mamans.

If you don't believe that the super rich are better than you then Rush and Glenn will call you an UnAmerican, Socialist Communist!
The rich people, meaning the ultra rich people....not the ones bringing in just over $250k a year.
Because they're buying into the utter bullshit, of course. The GOP doesn't want to help out DECENT rich folks -- they're out to help the shyster type at all costs.
They vote their aspirations, not their reality. They really believe that the rich are better and should be given deference.
Last I checked, they're still Americans, no more no less than everyone else. Because they make more money, they deserve to keep lower percentage of what they earn than anyone those who make less? It seems that the other side are always using the argument that, they're rich, they can afford to pay more. Sounds like envy.
It's an American thing I guess. If a rich person says raise taxes, everyone runs the video. Do you suppose they would be reporting it? Who is saying this? Buffett with a billion set aside for each kid or Gates? These people have everything they need and investments keep the money rolling in. Everyone is not in that situation and these people always have the option of donating money. Giving is still different than taking or calling taking, generosity.
True. I have yet to hear a major Conservative Billionaire actually speak out for maintaining the Bush tax cuts. David and Charles Koch, where are you?
Also, they usually have the intellectual capacity of rats.

They are lap dogs to the rich.