Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?


Feb 18, 2008
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

Are they really scared of being used for target practice? Who thinks the cons are only tough [I'm really scared of trolls] here on the Internet because most of their base doesn't live in the U.S. anyway and can't vote?Hey trolls why are you threatening me with your fake military profiles again? Y A answers team is well aware of your lies pal.
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

I have my SUV and I would love to see one of you liberals and your keyboard courage try to use me as target practiceAll I can say is " don't miss" because I sure wont.
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

maybe you don't see them because you look at the world through your naive eyes and you see what you want to see.... those yellow ribbons support troops not war. why don't you go tell our troops that you don't support them and quit hiding out here on the internet.
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

What constitutes a "Neo-con" in your book, pal? Id really like you to answer that. If you got the balls.I dare you to ask that question to the face of a Marine!
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

Im out in Public everyday!I can and Do vote!I live in the US.Do us a favor.... go play with your boyfriend and stay off the web!Go play your video game ... thats all you are qualified to do!!
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

I have an SUV, a yellow ribbon, and a gun. Go ahead, make my day!Chief Petty OfficerU.S. Navy, Retired1968-1990
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

You have great internet bravery....Pity you hide in your Mommy's basement in real life.....I drive my big p/u with yellow and black ribbons....PLEASE TRY.....havent had a liberal try yet...they just sort of cower away in real life...they are only brave behind the keyboard...
Why are the Neocons hiding out in public again? Why don't you see anymore of the SUV's with yaller ribbons?

Well, I don't have an SUV...and my only personal complaint is that too many women drive them.....and a nice percentage of them tend to not pay attention or be able to properly handle the vehicle. So more of a safety issue.As for bravery, I bash liberals publically everywhere I go. Not sure if your keeping score dude, but its the lib side that has been portrayed as un-patriotic, supporting socialism and the destruction of our economy if not nation, they are lower in percentage of the actual contributors to charity, protectors of our nation via armed forces, and responsible in large part for the slide of morals in America. Most of the evidence for this comes from your side of the fence too.I don't attack people I don't like, i'm more mature than that, I attack people that try to ruin my country...and I don't care what religion, race, or political party they belong to. I attack on equal basis. So bring your facts to the table, tell me what you supposedly "know" and what you can prove. Lets see how your side stacks up to Conservatism.