why are the Lebanese Christians asking for more than they deserve?


New member
Jan 18, 2013
First of please know that I would like Lebanon to be a country where there is no political sectarianism but for now thats how things are; we need to change, but thats not through putting the Orthodox Electoral law.

In a democratic society; Christians would only get one third of the parliament since they are only one third of the population. Still; Christians are getting 50% of the parliament and we Muslims are ok with that because we want to keep the civil unity intact.

Still Christians are saying they are not presented well enough because 24 Christian parliamentarians (nuwweb) were voted by Muslims. Why are the Christians forgetting the fact that 20 Muslim parliamentarians are voted by Christians as well? Whats wrong if we Muslims vote for Christians and vice versa?!? How do the Christian parties say they want democracy and unity when they want to divide us even more? They already get more parliamentarians than they demographically deserve and still they want more?

And regarding those who say there are a lot of naturalized Muslim citizens (mjannasin); the same goes for Christians who increased their numbers through giving citizenship for Palestinean Christians and Armenians.

Im sad to be talking in this way but I just want to prove by numbers that we are all equal in this country and instead of going back to primitive laws and increasing sectarianism we should be talking about decreasing the division and thats by promoting political secularism...

Also just one more thing regarding the Orthodox law; when a Muslim votes for a Christian or a Christian votes for a Muslim, this will keep the extremists from both sides away from the parliaments.