Why are some Christians and Atheists always arguing and fighting with...


May 15, 2008
...each other constantly? Yes I'm a Christian asking this question.

I shift the blame on both sides, Christians why the heck are you guys trying so hard to preach to people who obviously don't want to hear the message you are trying to convey?

And why do some Atheists go out of their way to pick on Christians by ridiculing them and constantly insult their beliefs and claim that God doesn't exist? (Don't give me the truth analogy)

If the person you are talking to doesn't want to hear it then don't bring it back up in another conversation and respect his/her beliefs?
@The Silicon Lemming: I apologize If I have made you misunderstand my view on what I saw was insulting, I have seen examples on this website where some people have insulted others by cursing at the asker and calling names. I very well understand that this is a discussion website but out in public is the bickering and arguing really necessary?
@George Patton: I definitely agree with you, Christians today are way too focused on handing you that 'gospel tract' or seeing how much doors they knocked on in one day, we should be focusing on fixing our own problems and hypocrisies inside our own churches before preaching to people who have never heard of Jesus, people who live in countries saturated with churches can just do a web search on Jesus Christ if they truly wanted to find out the gospel.