Why are scientists and "experts" screaming & whining about global warming...



Why are scientists and "experts" screaming & whining about global warming...

...but do nothing to improve cars and other technology.
In other words, all of these pinhead scientist with a liberal bias are spending all of their time "proving" that mankind is destroying the planet but they are not inventing any ingenious products or processes to eliminate pollution.
Instead, they mock auto makers, they demand high taxes, and they want to regulate and tax all businesses into a communist-like state.
Why don't these "geniuses" assemble into a manhattan project or skunk works type program and put their brains where their mouth is and tell us how to get 200 mpg, tell us how to create electricity cleanly, tell us how to heat our homes cheaply and efficiently, tell us how to not rely on oil from terrorist nations.

Instead, they hide behind their bogus computer models and then they tell us all to stop driving and stop being productive.
No solutions, only barking orders.
No technology, only telling us to live like cave men.