Why are people having a hard time believing in the Bible when it has all...


New member
Apr 14, 2009
...the prophecies about things to come? I believe that we are living in the last days as was testified by the prophets of old, and of course learning has increased and we know today how the Bible was compiled etc. Yet we have to admit that it was through Divine will that we have this book. Anyways, I don't understand why people are having a hard time, because the following scriptures talk about our time and the increase in knowledge.

For example in the Book of Daniel, Daniel was commanded to ". . . shut up the words, and seal the book [of his prophecy], even to the time of the end: [and in that day] many shall run to and fro," said he "and knowledge shall be increased." (Dan. 12:4.)

But Paul did admonish us, the people are "ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim. 3:7.)

People refuse to heed the warnings the Lord so kindly gives to them, and thus they fulfill the scriptures. Peter said such sayings would be uttered, and he warned the people. (2 Pet. 3:3-7.)

I mean come on, all the signs are out there, we have to admit that the scriptures at least were correct with the Jews returning to Palestine, (Luke 21:24.)
I don't believe in the bible because it enslaves minds with unnecessary worship and indoctrination, when certain passages out of scripture should be used to teach lessons of morality. This crap about prophecy and dogma is everything that's wrong with religion.
Why are people having a hard time believing in Tails of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (great book) when it has all the prophecies about things to come?

The answer to your question is the same as the answer to the above question.
You know, for an all knowing god, he should have said something a little more intelligent, like "energy will be equal to mass times the acceleration of light, squared."

The reason we atheists, agnostics do not believe in the bible is because it was written by human beings, inspired by god supposedly. How do you know those guys weren't crazy? If someone came up to you and said "god spoke to me out of a burning bush" would you believe it?

There is no way of telling if those people were either crazy or drugged. Nowadays we can be sure, but what about back then? Psilocyben mushrooms grow literally around the world, and could have been mistakenly consumed and caused hallucinations. Those quotes are too general and are not divinely inspired I assure you.
Because even Scooby-Doo has prophecies of things to come if you watch it enough times. By the way, knowledge has, and always will, increase as time goes by.
Study the Dead Sea Scrolls and you will learn that the Jews believed they were living through the "Last Days" 2000 years ago.
Biblical prophecies are based on nothing but historical ignorance and are clearly irrelevant today.
Over the past 2,000 years or so, every generation of Christians has included large numbers who thought that they were living in the "last days." They weren't. What makes you think that you aren't similarly deluded? Nothing you have presented here should lead you to any other conclusion.