Why are people complaining about DRAKE BEING EMO ?


Active member
May 13, 2008
Emo is short for emotional ,emo-rapper someone that evoke emotions in there music . . . And 2pac was an emotional rapper by peoples standards . . . So is it just hate or jealousy ? Or simply being stupid ?
First of all, 2Pac is a legend. He was poetic, and was a national voice for people that didn't have one. He was more political, bringing awareness into the problems of the ghetto, not just exploiting it. There is no comparison on that part. Drake on the other hand, is changing up his style, and starting to cater to a new market. So of course his fans are going to give him some shit. They bought into him, and had his back; and now that he has fortune and fame he is changing it up, and moving on to a different crowd. From an artist point of view, Drake might feel that he is exploring other areas of music. However, from loyal fans point of view, they think he is a sell out, and turning weak and gay.