Why are nearly all celebrities labelled "whores" these days?


New member
Feb 15, 2011
like Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga...and even a few people call Justin Bieber a gay whore. what have they even done that's so "whore" like. do these haters even have proof that they are whores? have you witnessed them sleeping with many men? and people come up with lame reasons like a lot of their songs are about sex? (RiRi and Gaga) ..so what? most of them probably dont even write their own songs! they're just songs anyway as long as it sounds good and sells who cares about the lyrics. okay im not even gona talk about justin bieber and why he isnt a whore coz that's just ridiculous. hes underage anyway. im not saying its completely impossible to have sex when your underage, but i doubt he has.
Miley Cyrus - so she was doing some performance of Party in the usa and apparently "pole-danced" but i saw it and you couldnt actually call it pole-dancing. she just stood next to it. makes you wonder though, why was there even a pole in the first place? anyway in addition to that, in the video of party in the usa they say she was dressed inappropriately, and i think she was barely 18 yet.
Rihanna - S&M video.. i dont see whats the big deal? i dont think a little kid would ever think that eating a banana or being tied up would symbolize something? its only us adults who are that dirty minded.
yes, she has some raunchy pics, but who nowadays doesnt? if shes hot and wants to show it off, that doesnt make her a whore. the same applies to Lady Gaga
so if you dont like them, fine. no ones forcing you to. but dont go labelling them whores because of minor things.