Why are Muslims becoming less accepted in the West?


Active member
May 13, 2008
A Pew Research poll taken in November of 2011 (a couple months after 9/11) showed that only 17% of Americans didn’t like Muslims. Polls taken since then, throughout the West, reveal a trend against Muslims:

-3/09 ABC-Post poll on who “doesn’t like Muslims”: All Americans, 48%; conservatives, 65%; liberals, 40% (even liberals!).
-2/10 Le Parisien poll: 54% believe Islam is anti-Western Culture.
-03-01-10, Financial Times poll: Europeans oppose the burka, the symbol of Islam: France, 70% oppose; Spain, 65% oppose; Italy, 60% oppose; UK, 57% oppose.
-3/12/10 The Sun: US State Department says Muslims face increased societal resentment in Europe based on the belief that Islam is not compatible with Western values.
-10/17/10 BBC News: Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says. A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".
-9/6/11 CNN reporting on The Public Religion Research Institute survey in conjunction with the Brookings Institution: "Nearly half of Americans would be uncomfortable with a woman wearing a burqa, a mosque being built in their neighborhood or Muslim men praying at an airport. 41% would be uncomfortable if a teacher at the elementary school in their community were Muslim. 47% of survey respondents said the values of Islam are at odds with American values.
-3/7/12 BBC: French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said there are too many foreigners in France and the system for integrating them is "working worse and worse".
Gee let me think.You don't suppose it's because the Koran,the Muslim holy book, teaches hate,violence and acts of retaliation do you? :stop glass: