Why are men complaining about women being fat?


New member
Feb 24, 2010
Men in America are fat themselves too. And most of them carry it to their waist. At least women carry it to their breasts and hips.

White men seem to want to demand women be slim to be hot. While no one cares if they are 20 lbs heavier or 200 something pounds.
Sup - Muffin tops are cause by CLOTHES. A skinny girl can get a muffin top. Now if it was rolls then it's another question. But yeah most women carry it to their hips mainly. And are at least pear shaped.
Just look at some diagrams comparing overweight men and overweight women. Women carry it to their but.
I agree that women need to be healthier.. but if you are eating healthy not being lazy and getting exercise and taking care of yourself... i see no problem with being thick. I am 5'5 weigh 150 and am healthy. I wear a size 9 and most of my weight is in my ass, hips, and thighs. I like my curvy body,, i would so much rather have it than be a stick.. which i was before i had kids..( i had no boobs no ass) and looked under fed. I weighed 100 lbs then lol

Some men are pigs. and hypocrites and want the girls from magazines.. ( which are usually airbrushed anyways)

the best quote i've heard is

" Boys, if you don't look like Calvin Klein Models, don't expect us to look like Victoria's Secret Angels " .
Because American Women dominate Men Sexually on bed.

So, it is very uncomfortable for them to bear the weight of "WOMEN ON TOP" position...
Exactly and women gain weight easier anyway to look more fertile so if women can't use the biology card then neither can men on how women are the weaker gender for being smaller.