Why Are Lesbian Couples More Socially Accepted Than Gay Couples?


New member
Jan 21, 2011
I'm not a lesbian, but I have a gay friend, and he said that people accept lesbian couples alot more than gay couples. Why?
To be honest, guys are way more attracted to lesbians than girls are to gays. I am not trying to be perverted, it is the truth...
Because straight guys are the most outspoken "group." Straight guys dig lesbians, but typically don't like gay couples. So lesbians are most accepted.

because it is still a male dominated world of sorts
i thinks its called hypocrital homophobia of sorts
Because this is a phallocentric society & strait men like the idea of two women together. Yes it's sexual objectification.

They'd rather not associate with gay men because they don't want to be seen as sex objects themselves.
Yes that is true mostly because a bi-sexual girl is sort of common , and they don't act different when gays act WAY different that its disturbing , and boys like girls , and to see them with another girl is like double the trouble ( which is good to them ) that's my view .
And also girls are more mature then men in some ways that its a guys principle to hate what has changed to them sort of :p well ......... the straight ones.
They're not!!

I'm not out, but there tends to be this "disgusted" vibe when it comes to mention of lesbian couples. People think of them as manly, smelly... lumberjacks. There are so many gay guys at my college...many pf whom wear make-up and style their hair all eccentrically and they're comfortable. I don't witness any problems. Maybe in HS, idk..

Gays say lesbians have it easier, lesbians say gay guys have it easier...
Because straight men tend to believe lesbian couples are "hot." (Oh, how I hate that term.) They (a typical straight man) would much rather be without the male aspect when they have a sexual fantasy, as it adds to the fetish of femininity. A typical straight woman is less likely to believe that two gay men are "hot." I believe, correct me if I am wrong, that this is due to the fact that they (a typical straight woman) do not consider a man being gay as masculine, which would not feed to a fetish for masculinity.