Why are black men so athletic & in good shape? How do they stay so strong &


New member
Nov 4, 2011
vibrant for sports & fitness?
How do black men stay so athletic all their lives? They make the best basketball players, football players, etc. How do they do it?
Part of it from having sex with our slave owners wives on the DL...but we'll keep that on a low. Other than that it comes from us not being lazy and actually finding our bodies useful to our environment. Leaping from trees, swinging on vines running from beasts, dancing, trekking through deserts lush rainforest for miles etc etc and etc. The things our ancestors did gave us this natural build
I seen some skinny black men and some super duper obese black men who use wheel chairs to get around, but the ones who are fit exercise in some form almost daily.

*Foot ball
*Shooting hoops
There are in-shape people from every race. I swim all the time. You should do the same because I rarely see fit black women. Giving everything to black men and not taken care of yourself is only hurting you.
White women love white men the numbers show this but you don't see them complimenting us all day because it isn't lady like. Do black people teach their daughter's let the boys come to you? Because you should
O that's right, your probably a black man fishing for compliments lol! strange race
Because it's like the bigger you are, the more respect you get. I just bought me some MASSXXX, that's how I do it.