Why are all the smartphones stuck at 8 mega pixel cameras?


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Last years models all had 8 Mega Pixels, and once again so do most this years. What's the deal? The standard should be 10 Mega Pixels this year.
why should the smart phones have 10 million pixels camera's built in, ,, some mobile phone manufactures produce camera 's also and if they keep rising the mega pixels on the mobile phones it will mean less customers buying there budget camera's and they dont want that
The makers usually go for the most cost effective route. If they wanted a 10MP phone they'd have to spend more to get those put on millions of the phones that they put on the market. Understandably there will be a few manufacturers (Apple, Motorola) that do offer a few phones this year with better cameras. I think one has a 16MP. Not all phone cameras will be up to par.
Because they don't need a 10mega pixel one. It depends on the technology of the camera not the number of mega pixels. A 5mega pixel DSLR will perform better than a 12mega pixel Sony Xperia S. Anyway, I think the main reason is the more mega pixel the camera have, the more megabytes it will use.
Serious photographers will not use a cell phone camera for a camera. The cameras on a cell phone are meant for quick pictures when you do not have a camera with you.

So for most people as long as the picture on the camera is not blurry, it is good enough.

Also cell phones are viewed as throw away technology. Cell phone manufactures are not going to keep putting top on the line cameras in throw away technology. An 8 mega pixel camera is a very good camera, and should be good enough for anyone who relies on a cell phone for their only camera.