Why are all European cars sold in America luxury cars (except Volkswagen)?


New member
May 13, 2008
Seems like the Germans, Swedish, British, and Italians have all given up on selling "mainstream" cars in the USA. That is unless you count MINI or the new FIAT, which are both luxury to me anyway, and Volkswagen was started by the Nazis for "The People". Years ago we had Peugeot and Renault (they own Nissan now) from France and the infamous Yugo from Yugoslavia (now Serbia). We had Alfa Romeo too, until 1995. There was Sterling, but Sterling was definitely an "upscale" if not luxury brand. These were just early Acuras (made by Honda) with a British name, not to be confused with the Sterling trucks we have now (which came from a Ford/Chrysler/Daimler partnership themselves).
At one time, there were plenty of European brand cars sold in the USA, but during the 1970's manufacturers like Fiat, Renault and Alfa started to get reputations for selling cheaply built, unreliable, underpowered and unsafe vehicles. Cars like the Yugo just sealed the casket for many European brands in the USA.

If Americans want to buy low cost economy cars, there's plenty of good quality small cars available from Japan and Korea. European manufacturers are free to sell anything they want in the USA but the successful companies have decided to concentrate on the up-scale or high performance end of the market.
what,,,we should by a crappy 60 HP tiny pile of crap? you really want a yugo type car,,,awww come on