Why are a lot of people in America still in the dark about good nutrition


May 13, 2008
and continue to gorge themselves? If you grew up in a Midwest family like mine, you know that there is a cross-section of America that looks at a gut-busting buffet or an elaborate Thanksgiving spread with awe and joy. Those same people are the first to ridicule those that don't stack their plate high with food and clean their plate at the end of the meal. At the end, when everybody is full to the point of nausea, self-appointed food police pressure those who they consider as not having contributed enough to the consumption effort to somehow finish the last of the biscuits or mashed potatoes. If all of the food is not eaten, some are chosen to take home the leftovers so that food will not go to waste. And it all could have been prevented if there wasn't so much damn food prepared.

Seriously, this is a problem. Our country is getting fat and food is going to waste because too many people eat when they aren't hungry or continue to eat when they are full. To them, a restaurant is considered "good" if there's a lot of food, not because the food tastes good... at most restaurants the portion size is easily twice what it needs to be. People don't know what good nutrition is or delude themselves into thinking that their eating practices constitute responsible consumption.

This isn't so much a rant on those people (well maybe to some extent...) as it is a complaint from the situation I have to endure... when I go home for a meal I get in trouble for not "cleaning my plate" or eating enough and not enjoying the starchy, fried foods that are on the table. I'm called a "girl" when I try out being vegetarian for a few months. I have a good, solid understanding of what eating right is all about. I used to weigh 210 lbs at 5'11" and now I'm down to 160, and when my overweight relatives ask me how I lost all that weight I tell them that it was mainly due to educating myself and changing how I ate... but they still think I'm wrong. Yet they'll go on Atkins or another fad diet, and yo-yo up and down (mainly up) because they don't want to cut back on what they enjoy, and wonder why they are still fat. They'll believe that a supreme pizza is a well balanced meal, and that grapes or other fresh fruits are "diet food".

Wake up, America! You are eating yourselves to death! Educate yourselves on the facts! A "healthy" salad made from iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value! If your "whole-grain" products don't contain 2-3g of fiber for every 25g of carbohydrates you might as well be eating white bread! You should eat 2000 calories a day... a Big Mac meal is more than half of your caloric intake! Wake up, before you develop heart disease or type II diabetes and suffer from bad health choices!