Why am I so obsessed with music?


New member
Feb 13, 2009
I don't know why. But whenever I wake up to when I go to sleep I typically listen to music for about four hours a day straight. I feel like if I try to shorten this time I can't really do it. I mean, I have a fourth generation iPod touch and yet all I really do it listen to music on YouTube or in my iPod. What should I do?!
Stop obsessing! Don't even think about it, It's art and you apreciate it, it occupies you, takes you away on a mental vacation. Nothing wrong with that, as you fill your life with other activities you will listen less. You are among 70% of the population world wide. Music is one of humanity's greatest social mood enhancers.
i'll tell you why. you are bored, and whenever you get bored you listen to music. here's what you should do: HIDE YOUR IPOD! HIDE WHATEVER PLAYS MUSIC! DELETE ALL THE SONGS! GET A LIFE!!! you should find something fun to do else than music; go out, smell some air, hang out with friends... this shall get ride of your obsession. good luck :)
but certain things claimed as music such as Drake, lil Wayne, nicking minaj, and so on Arnt real musicians. Your hear them you don't listen to them BUT BANDS WITH REAL INSTRUMENTS MAKE M U S I C! LISTEN ON!
aight i got a great solution u wanna hear music then glue ur ear phones to ur ear and ur ipod to ur head there try it out it will work
it happens when you listened to too much music.
probably you have good ears by now.

then create your own music.