Why all the hate for Christians last time I checked it was muslims flying...


New member
May 6, 2012
...planes into building and blowing up? subways
And you all blow up over some verse in Leviticus.

Gee Wally really?
So first answer that justifies it??? You have got to be kidding me.
Cute bear it was done in the name of Islam, and embraced by millions of Muslims.
And Great Gazzoo 10th Amendment states have the right to vote on that. Sorry I didn't draft our Constitution.
Yeah Mackey like all of the food and medical aid the United States had sent those people in Afghanistan, and when the United States protected the Middle East from Soviet Russian invasion and Iraqi genocide in the 80's

Really provoking. You are a real history buff.
And also the Hotel they attacked in India a few years ago.
Apparently it's because we're too forceful, which plenty of us are, but we're not ALL that way. And considering the fact that no one is perfect and they pick at every little mistake we make it's really not fair.
Check again without trusting the media's story but using scientific evidence.

muslims want to rule the word, while christians want to rule our minds.

people hate christians because they are rude and disrespectful.