Whos side would you be on in this kind of situation?


New member
May 27, 2008
Tommorow is my birthday, so my dad wants to take me and my family out to eat. He says "go change" so i change, and he's like 'put something else on' and i say "why are you embarassed?" and he explodes and says "I'M SICK OF YOUR F* ADDITUDE AND ALL THIS SH* I HAVE TO GO THROUGH WITH YOU" so he just leaves with my whole family without me.

I don't feel bad at all, ITS A SHIRT. I really dont care what people think of what i'm wearing. I'm so sick of him right now.

Who's side are you on? And go ahead tell me i'm disrespecting my father. I won't care because i think he's the one whos taking things a little too far
well if you were going to a nice restaurant and you had a inappropriate shirt on then he should have told you to change but not yell at you like that

But then again you shouldn't have talked that way to your dad.

So ya maybe he had a lot of stress on him and he exploded on you. I'm not really on any ones side but he should have taken you out to eat on your birthday and not have overreacted like he did.