whoa.. I had no idea that animal sacrifice was still used in certain modern


New member
Mar 18, 2009
religions :| and..? well.. frankly, I'm shocked.

why would G-d want us to spill blood for Him? how could that possibly in ANY WAY benefit him? I can understand why people in the ancient world ritually sacrificed animals, as they did not understand the way that seasons/crop variation/etc worked and they were superstitious.

but in this modern age, it's just plain cruel. please explain to me why unnecessary killing of animals is in any way pleasing to G-d? I mean, the Old Testament suggests that we stone adulterous women, but over time we became civilized enough to abandon that rule as a product of its time - it's illogical and purely violent
In modern Judaism and Islam?
and ritual animal sacrifice is still a widespread practice in Islam. I don't really need to cite a source, you just need to look these things up for yourself :p GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND
No "Modern" religion practices animal sacrifice. Some people are still clinging to centuries-old traditions of animal sacrifice, but those religions are all thousands of years old.
A bullfight is a ritual sacrifice, isn't it?

A small number of hindus still use animals sacrifice, decapitating a goat or chicken with a single blow of a sword. This is quite a merciful killing really. The animal instantly has the spinal cord severed so it can't be said to be in pain.
And that's worse than Jesus getting ritualistically sacrificed...how?
Women still get stoned in some Middle Eastern nations too, you know. All part of the love and understanding promoted by all religions *AHEM*
Well there are many even in "modern" countries believe the bible to be the literal word of god so if it says animal sacrifice..they believe...if it says beat your daughter they believe...etc