Who would win USA or Russia?

I would like to agree with you, but I'm seriously doubting the tactics or flexibility of our armed forces right now. If it wasn't for the bureaucratic quagmire we fixed our military into, I would probably say your assessment was pretty good. Maybe a better analogy would be a secret agent with decent strength, good moves, and nice guns, that has to ask his elderly mother before he can make any sort of movement. Meanwhile he's getting hammered by an 8 foot giant.

edit: don't listen to me tho, im purty stupid. lul.
and the ak-47 has not been in russian army service as a standard issue riffle sense 1974...
It's still what the majority are equipped with. Look at the photos of them invading Georgia. All AK-47s, AK-74s, and I even saw one AKsu-74.
dude, most AK type weapons look exactly the same.

the only real diffrence between the ak 47 and the 74 is the mag and the round it fires, but not all of them are the plastic mags.

super edit-nevermind i thought u contradicted yourself, then i saw the post of the tard that jumped into the discussion stating a random fact that no one cares about
You're assuming a "proper" war. If it comes to nuclear warfare we're all scraping ash out of the slag pits that used to be our cities.

Not since WWII
Whoever gets these first will win

No, America has two private-sector test bed platforms for anti-missile lasers, neither of which are anywhere near completion, and would be essentially useless against the rain of missiles Russia (and USA) are capable of
america duh. but i still wouldnt want to fight the russians, mostly because it would lead to nuclear war.
k so i started reading this thread, but got sick of seeing americans saying america would get owned by the russians. if you think that russia is better than america than you can just get the fuck out of the country. now i mean no disrespect to russia, their military is really hard core, but the united states military would turn out victorious.
we should have never been in vietnam in the first place, an technicaly it wasnt a war. and we won in korea. so there.

edit: fuck double post