Who would win USA or Russia?

It wouldnt be on USA soil.

We would have US, UK, Japan, Georgia, South Korea, Canada, and France forming unions.
Here's what a Russian guy said, now we can have some Russian opinions

This is the video he put up

Ok, I have some things to go over. I have read over some of the comments that are being posted on this video and honestly I am disgusted by you people. Russian Spends 1/10th the money that the USA does on weapons and look we are still better. Look at our weapons compared to yours, the B-1B Lancer compared to the Tu-160 Blackjack, who is better? The Su-27 Flanker vs the F-15 Eagle, who is better? The T-90 and the Abrams, who is better?! The AK-108 and the M4 Carbine who is better? The Spetsnaz or the SEALS who is better? I can go on for ages now cant I? but remember every single thing I have just named...
The Russian one is better, and not only because I say so, but look it up, look at some facts, don't look at the Military Channel because you sure wont get a true fact there. F-15 claims to have a very great ratio, well take a look at who it was fighting against? Mig-21? Mig-23... Yea thats definitely a match(I am being sarcastic for those of you that are challenged by sarcasm). Now please, yes, you can say we do not live as good as you, yes you can say we are currently wounded, because that is true, but you cannot say that we are worse than you, you cannot say that you are better than us because you are not and never will be. Russia has survived numerous invaders, wars, rulers, and years. We have been prejudiced against and degraded but one thing is for sure, we have always been better than you. I will not remove your comments I will not respond to most comments against the truth, but one thing is for sure. We are mighty.
im going to do a little break down of this crazy hypothetical situation.

russia's nukes = america's nukes
(they use these were all dead, EVERYONE!!!!)

russia's navy < america's nazy
(the US does very much have a superior navy. that of course doesn't mean that russia's is garbage, they can get the job done.)

russia's armour > america's armour
(the shear volume of tanks that russia has would over power the us.)

russia's infantry = america's infantry
(both very well trained and would do excellent in combat. where russia would possibly win, is the numbers. also the fact that they would start conscription and the whole national spirt of the country.)

russia's airforce = america's airforce
(f22 yayaya theres is like 30 of them, anyone ever heard of the PAK - FA. it will be combat ready by 2013 but in a pinch im sure they could use it. also the russian pilots are second to none, maybe equal with israeli.)

russia's special forces > america's special forces
(no contest.)

russia's allies > america's allies
(those old communist ties would kick in and russia + china = no US.)\

So much silly bias towards america in here. In the end no one would win the war. Millions dead and possibly the end of the world.
see thats why i like canada's tank

the TC1993 also known as the 1993 toyota camry

its got everything heater, ac, sunroof and a very practical sized trunk.
ohh, i see what you did there...


i just cant wait for someone to pick on Canada the US will drop you like a bag of hammers.
I just killed a bunch of Russians in Bad Company.

Honestly, if the ole' US war machine started running again. We would beat Russia most definetly.
funny thing is we supply you with nearly have of your natural resources. power, water, raw lumber, oil, ore...you name it well sell it to you. say china invaded us and you dropped us like "a bag of hammers". your country would be crippled.
my grammar and spelling has nothing to do with what we export.

yes, yes really. look into it sometime, were one of the most natural resource rich countries in the world. america being our next door neighbour and one of the largest importers in the world, hmmmm i wonder where we would export everything.

EDIT: this has nothing to do with this thread. im done.
This thread is filled to the brim with stupidity, as most threads on ST are.

Anyone saying that China would support Russia is probably wrong. The United States buys about a quarter of all Chinese exports, and China's economy depends on their exports.

And comparing individual weapons systems or training techniques is cute and all, but in the end we are all just talking out our asses, and none of us are military analysts (and yes, I'm not one either).

Oh, and the chances of this happening are so incredibly low it's not really worth talking about.
Not rly...
You don't have to be a military analyst to have a little common sense to understand the state of world affairs. Even you think you're in your comfort zone, shit can break out more suddenly than you think.

Why in the hell would China not side with Russia? That's a stupid assumption, it's perfectly obvious they would would lean in favor towards the russians. Fuck the U.S.... they've got enough money to equal double the United States, it'd be a hell of a chance for them to take out the competition. With U.S. gone, then who's going to regulate the exports? And we're not exactly in much better relations with them then we are with Russia.

Eh and yeah discussing this is rather pointless and just leads to arrogant complacent hotshots flexing their ego on tehwebz.