who win on this epic battle?


May 12, 2008
my friend said that superman, wonderwomen, thor, hulk, mr manhatton (in watchmen), jean (in xmen) darth vader, yoda, death star, master chief
i said ghost yoda, herobrine, chuck norris, bruce lee, obi wan, goku, xavier, magneto,Odin (thors dad), zeus

who would win and WHY?
my friend equals harry
i equals steven
please decide wisely
the death star is ok, but magneto and goku can destroy it with ease
this battle is on the earth but the death star in where the moon is
It boils down to one question. Are the Gods in your team magical, or are they like the Asgaardians in Thor where they're still based in science and are just really REALLY powerful.?

If they're not magical, then Superman alone will do significant damage. Also Dr. Manhattan with his ability to manipulate matter will simply rip anyone he cones across into component sub-atomic particles with just the simplest thought.

And his ability to split himself into a team of his own...

Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Xavier and Magneto...might as well write them out. None of them have any defense against the Death Star when it's in the extreme effective range of that planet killing main weapon it's packing.

"Oh, heroes are on that planet below? You may fire when ready." Xavier can't mind control anyone out that far and while Magneto might be able to beer-can the death star...again not at that range.

Thor would likely be able to beat Odin since he's younger, faster and more agile than his aged father. Unless the "Gods" are eternal and maintain their power.

I'd have to say your team is going down.


@additional - Magneto's range does not reach the moon. Never has. If the Death Star was that far out he couldn't reach it. And even if he could...it's the size of a small planet. If he had *that* much power he could have totally used his powers as a doomsday weapon by doinking around with ALL the iron on the planet and at it's core.