Who was your first celebrity crush. And who is your current?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I'm just curious and bored.
I think my first was Matt Dillon when he was in The Outsiders.
My current is John Lennon in his early days.(RIP)
I'm 15 by the way.
that lady in zack and cody suit life.. their mom

she makes me say "Oh god" although im an atheist o_O
my first crush was ashton kutcher (lol) i still think hes pretty dam hot!

i love will smith! jada pinkett has nothing on me! XD
first crush ...MMmmm probably ellen or kd lang.. just cause i knew they were gay.. kd lang can be sooo hot.. and i hope i look as good as ellen does when i'm her age... i'm 28 now.. these were when i was 14...