Who wants to be a pirate?

yes...thanks for the recap kwaj...

Now for a pirate job...

Can I hang out up top the mast watching for ships to .... plunder?
LOVE THE SMILIE!! You always have such great ones, KC!

Tika, sure, I don't seem to remember anyone wanting to go up on the watch.
Ooooh, oooh... I mean YAAAAAAARRRR!!!
Can I be a pirate too? I grew up on the coast of a great pirate nation and at the age of 4 went to the local fancy dress parade as a pirate, complete with eye patch and placard saying 'Let women rule the waves!'
And I can swear to make a trooper blush
Am also in favour of part time moonlighting as concubine to Capt Jack Sparrow *sigh*
Yo ho ho and and a bottle of Bacardi!
Ummm...I think every good pirate ship needs a cook - I do great BBQ and cookies (what else do pirates need?) Besides, Pippin won't go anywhere without me!
Any lassie worth her salt can cut rum with water! Grog - pshaw! On Captina Kickchick's vessel they'll be no watered rum! Arrrrrrrrrr! (methinks RR is a infiltrator who is trying to cause trouble with his wussy cut rum!)
1 shot rum
1 teaspoon sugar (preferably superfine)
Squeeze of lime juice
Cinnamon stick
Boiling water

The vitamin C in the lime helps stop scurvey. I should know, I'm a "limey".
Yuppie version of grog!!!! I'm talking the old-fashioned, "cheap captain who wanted to rip off his crew" version!

I can practice - can I still have the job?
Yes, we're an equal opportunity bunch of pirates. However, if any memos or sticky notes are sent, we reserve the right to keelhaul you, its in the handbook I think.

i take no responsibility for any replies after people have seen this
the site it links from has some other great stuff too

try the what kind of pirate be ye test