Who wants to be a pirate?

Aye, Kwaj! I shall attempt to drag her in here!
...can I be the Wang Fei Hong lookalike pirate guy like the one on that videogame? I'll bring my own theme song!

*plays "Once Upon A Time In China" theme*
Well, as for the wenches outfits, Kickchick sent me a pic. Don't think I can post it here. Maybe I can,who knows.

As for the yardarm. We'll get those swabbies who think they can beat 15-20 men at a time from the 'sin bin' to fight em first!! Whatevers left we, as pirate MAtists can throw overboard!!! Aye, we do need an island tho to r & r on.....
Aye aye Captain! I reckon ya didna like me suggestion of that little rock I am reconoitering this week. Arrr, I suppose the men in skirts scared ye off! Avast and Yo Ho, I hear there is an island on the bottom of the planet ruled by a pirate queen name Booksie Girl. Maybe she'll be welcoming a brigand of ruffians such as ourselves.

Arrr, I'm off to pillage and plunder the stores of Transcona and to take some fast food workers hostage to the quench my thirst for ale and grub!Arrr - Land ho!
Arggggghh, its too cold in that Scotland world, plus I don't have the legs for a kilt ya know....

If Booksie doesn't kill me for one of my last posts, maybe theres an island down there somewhere. We'll ask her.
R&R? How about that super secret island where Frank Dux allegedly won that super secret tournament that was so secret that nobody with an IQ higher than 10 believes it exists?
I miss a few days of MAP, and look what happens! Kwajman, me mattie, you've go some answering to do! Governors daughter, hmmm? Don't think I'm fit for pirating, don't think that I want to be an unwashed, foul-mouthed, honourless scoundrel.... well ummm, maybe I don't . I like the idea of Queen Booksie, kinda rolls of the tounge. Yep, I can live with that. One of the islands near Australia, and I suppoese that if you clear the island of those pesky inhabitatants for me, then I can provide a safe harbour for you pirtates though And of course it will be a warm and sunny paradise, this is the region near Austraila we're talking about.
Can I be the wiry, quick, slightly unstable yet dashing young english swordsman who flys up and down the rigging and spots potential target ships from the crows nest, Pleeeeeaaaase!

"Also I be a good swimmer matey, aarrrrrrr!"
Booksie, check with KC and Geisha about the island, their the captains now you know. I just want to hang out and soak up the sun and be a MA pirate. If your looking for KC she's the one drooling about Captain Jack Sparrow....

And Gallameed, of COURSE we need the young one to climb the riggings and such....
I say we set sail for Phillip Island ( near Melbourne) I hear it has 26 beaches and a colony of Little Ninja Penguins that parade at sunset. Perfect I say! Me thinks that would make good target practice for the crew!! Argh

Welcome aboard Gallamead ... dashing & young and slightly unstable?
You'll be a fine addition indeed ... (come see me later in my cabin )
LOL! How the hell did I miss this thread! I'd make a great pirate, I've got a potty mouth and I'm good at looting. If the Black Pearl turns up though, me and KC are outta here. She can have Jonny Depp, so long as I get Orlando Bloom (He's still fit, even if he does have a silly name)

Cerridwen being welsh, is of course a great name for a ship too! You'll need someone on board who can actually pronounce the name without soaking half the crew
Argh, so what is going to distinguish us as pirates from the regular posters? Should we begin and end every post irregardless of the forum with "Argh?"

Actually, I think you'll find its

Arrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhh me hearties

Where the hell is Adam? He'd love this thread