Who taught you how to ride a bike?

my dad, the first time that i got it rite was for lk 5 secs b4 i smash into the trash container but atleast i had that 5 sec or achievement lol
My mom taught me, but it took a long time so she put training wheels on. And that's how I really learned. My bike was red with streamers coming out of the handlebars, and a bell. And I loved that bike!
My grandma. It was small and red. I loved it. I was about 6 or 7. I really miss those days. Miss my grandma, too. Thank you for making me remember that. I had forgotten about that. Such a happy memory.
My dad, I don't even remember my first bike. But my current bike has my name in the back, so I feel cool..kind of
My grandma. It was small and red. I loved it. I was about 6 or 7. I really miss those days. Miss my grandma, too. Thank you for making me remember that. I had forgotten about that. Such a happy memory.
meee faja. i was like 9 or so. it was purple and pink with a horn but no basket. i was jealous because my best friend was so tall that she got an adult lime green bike. and lime green was MY color.

don't you just love the little things we used to worry about? :)

once i learned i crashed it into a warehouse near my street and there is still a dent on the door with a little pink scratch.
My dad, I don't even remember my first bike. But my current bike has my name in the back, so I feel cool..kind of
my dad told me i remember i kept falling and then when i finally figured it out i was riding my bike in the rain
my dad told me i remember i kept falling and then when i finally figured it out i was riding my bike in the rain
Omg no joke I was taught by my dad and 7 or 8 and my first bike was just like yours im not even kidding u!!!
my dad, when i was 5 or 6
mine was a barbie bike or something and it had pretty little strings hanging off the handles and had a big pink basked that i put my kitty in..