Who is your favorite Hollywood actor/actress and why?

Darren Criss because he's funny, cute, good looking and incredibly talented. He sings, writes music, acts and most importantly, he's Harry Freakin Potter.
Johnny Depp as he's very versatile. I can't stand it when most teenagers only like him for his looks.
Although I've just discovered the joys of Jake Gyllenhaal, I really admire:

Meryl Streep
Jack Nicholson
Robert De Niro
Ryan Gosling
Heath Ledger
Penelope Cruz
Morgan Freeman
Nicholas Cage
Jody Foster
Sean Penn (got to meet him a few years ago, very nice man)

And a bunch of other folks. Why? I like to see actors and actresses stretch themselves, take risks
with the roles they choose, create a sense of really knowing the character they play. Heath Ledger was probably one of my all time favorites. Even though he was quite young, he brought a depth to each character he played, even before Brokeback Mountain. It was a darned shame he died too soon!
Russell Crow -The guy can do anything. Just look at "It's a Beautiful Mind", then
watch "Gladiator". That's range. Great actor.
My favorite actor is will smith because he is such a good actor, he can change his acting styles in whatever character he plays. You could easily distinguish whatever characters he plays for example I could be saying "Oh Hancock is that bad ass guy who doesn't care what others think and that I am legend guy is the survivor guy, who even though he doesn't want to do some things, he still sacrifices things and keeps going strong". you will probably never get bored with his movies, a lot of them are good. The guy is also so humble with his fans. There are so many things that make him my favorite actor, but i can's list them all, basically will smith the actor is my fav.....:) :)