Who Is The Founder Of Your Religion?


May 13, 2008
Know The Founder Of Your Religion

Every religion that has a start date has a ending date and anytime you can trace your religion back to a man or woman as being the founder, it is false because Yah didn't ordain it.

Baptist Methodist and so forth, all of these religions derive from either Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Protestant. These four sections makeup Christianity Religion, in which there are almost 34,000 distinct Christian denominations. If your religion is suppose to be of Yah, then you should be able to open your bible, and show where he ordained it, or otherwise your religion is not of Yah which makes you a liar who serving under falsehood. Quit being played for a fool folks open your bible for a change and actually read it and believe whats written, take no man's opinion which is nothing more than a private interpretation.

1 Corinthians 1:10 - Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

FYI: You can't all speak the same thing when everybody is not taking the information as it is written. So therefore, you have division among the people today because they believe according to the dictation of their own hearts, instead of submitting unto Yah's righteousness. So therefore, they are not all joined together which is why all these religions hardly fellowship with each other. If they all claim to believe in Yah, then they would all be under one roof considering the fact that there is only only God.

AME Religion was founded by Bishop Richard Allen in 1816
Methodist Religion was founded by John Wesley in 1744
Mormon Religion was founded by Jospeh Smith in 1829.
Christianity Religion was founded by Constantine The Great
Catholic Religion was founded by Constantine The Great
Baptist Religion was founded by John Smyth in 1605, credit is given to Roger Williams & John Clarke
Pentecostal Religion was founded by Charles Fox Parham
Church Of God In Christ was founded by Bishop Charles Mason in 1895
Jehovah's Witnesses was founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1870
Nation Of Islam Religion was founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad
Seventh Day Adventists Religion was founded by Ellen G White
Apostolic Religion was founded by Henry Drummond
Protestant Religion was founded by Chaplain George Stull
Presbyterian Religion was founded by John Knox in 1560
Lutheran Religion was founded by Martin Luther in 1517
Salvation Army Religion was founded by William Booth in 1865
Christian Scientist Religion was founded by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy in 1879
Congregationalist Religion was founded by Robert Brown in 1582
Unitarian Religion was founded by Theophilus Lindley in 1774
Dutch Reformed Religion was founded by Michaelis Jones in 1628
Man is the founder of religion! I am a Christian and I hate religion my faith is based on a relationship with Jesus Christ not a bunch of man made rules and theories...I go by the Bible and that it anything else is not worth following